What people value most about living or working in Chorlton
Independent businesses, green spaces and a sense of community are what people love about Chorlton – but what are residents and workers hopes for the future? Read our survey results.
Independent businesses, green spaces and a sense of community are what people love about Chorlton – but what are residents and workers hopes for the future? Read our survey results.
Safer roads, crossing point, wider pavements and better footpaths needed – sound familiar? Read here about how people travel in and around Chorlton and why and what is needed to increase active travel.
Read about our mission to empower communities to thrive and make positive environmental impact with support through group facilitation and coaching from partner organisation – Amity.
Learn how to swap car parking spaces for people friendly places – which not only benefits the community but supports active travel and improves the environment.
Parents, pupils, children and teachers had their voices heard when it came changes they wanted to the school run during our school streets project. Read about the successes of road closures here and how you can do it too!